This beautiful sight, according to Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) intern Colin DeCoste, was the best part of a week of ...
World Wetlands Day on February 2 is an opportunity to highlight the importance of wetlands and the value they provide. Canada is home to over a quarter of the world’s wetlands, and it is estimated ...
The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is the only national organization dedicated to preserving Canadian biodiversity through the conservation of land. Much of our success can be attributed to the ...
J’ai toujours adoré les tortues. Donc, dès que l’on m’a confié ma première tâche en tant que stagiaire auprès de Conservation de la nature Canada (CNC) dans le centre ouest de l’Ontario, à savoir ...
Wetlands are unique ecosystems where terrestrial and aquatic habitats meet. They are formed when water is trapped through poor drainage, occasional flooding or coastal barriers, such as sandbars. The ...
The dynamics of conservation in Canada are changing. Today, Indigenous Peoples are increasingly being heard and recognized as conservation decision-makers and stewards of the land. The Nature ...
The ghost pipe, also called the ghost plant or corpse plant, is a perennial wildflower that gets its name from its shape and its pure, pale white colour. Unlike most other plants, this species does ...
Common tansy is native to Europe, and was introduced to North America in the 1600s as a horticultural and medicinal plant. Common tansy has yellow, button-like flowers and can grow to up to 1.5 metres ...
Together, we can protect 500,000 hectares of Prairie grasslands by 2030 to ensure this vital ecosystem not only survives, but thrives. Canada’s Prairie grasslands need your help. Spanning across ...
What does it look like? Not only is the polar bear the biggest bear species, it is also the world’s largest land carnivore. Males can weigh up to 800 kilograms and reach lengths of up to 2.8 metres, ...
The Weston Family Conservation Science Fellowship Program supports and trains graduate students conducting Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) priority research so that they can become next-generation ...
This species ranged from southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, south into Texas and New Mexico. Today, swift foxes only occur in about three per cent of their historic Canadian range as of 2009. Many ...