Exterminarea evreilor de către naziștii germani în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial a avut loc mai ales în Polonia ...
Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, the leader-in-exile of Belarus's opposition, has dismissed election results that saw longtime leader Alexander Lukashenko declared winner ...
Seven candidates are vying to be elected as IOC president in March. After controversies at the 2024 Olympics, a new president ...
(德国之声中文网)中国国家统计局表示,基于对工厂采购经理的月度调查,制造业 采购经理指数(PMI) 从上个月的50.1下滑至 1月份的49.1。PMI高于50表示扩张,低于50表示萎缩。新订单和产量也出现萎缩。
Świadectwa ocalałych z Zagłady nie powstrzymują potężnych ludzi od fałszowania i manipulowania historią – pisze „Sueddeutsche Zeitung”.
Mientras grandes consorcios rechazan los nuevos modelos de trabajo, otras empresas abordan el empleo de un modo orientado al ...
Protesters demonstrated across Greece two years after the country's deadliest rail disaster. They are frustrated by the lack ...
An observational analysis has found that the drugs may lower the risk of substance abuse and cognitive issues. But the findings need clinical testing.
Die Waldbrände in Kalifornien machen deutlich: In Risikogebieten wird es immer schwieriger, sein Hab und Gut gegen Wetterkatastrophen zu versichern. Wie lässt sich das ändern?
The violence in eastern Congo has escalated. Near Goma in North Kivu, 13 peacekeepers have been killed by M23 rebels, while ...
Aschaffenburg gedenkt des getöteten Zweijährigen und des Mannes, der starb, als er Kinder retten wollte. Geistliche und Politiker finden dabei auch warnende Worte.