Morris, for his part, said he reminds himself “of the incredible safety record of commercial aviation. Statistically speaking ...
"We really need to jump on this issue of ecological toxicity," he told Science News. "If the [study] authors are right, and ...
From supercharged skincare to targeted treatments, beauty editor Laura Mulley asks the experts to explain what will really ...
A video of an alligator stopping traffic to cross the road with a turtle in its mouth in Palm Beach County, Florida, has gone ...
Sea Turtle Inc. is preparing for its third wave of cold-stunned turtles during this winter season. On Friday, the non-profit ...
We’ve all heard the age-old question asking why the chicken crossed the road. In Florida, we ask why the alligator crossed ...
"Debunk snapping turtle myths and learn about their danger. How to Survive is a Webby Award-winning series offering expert tips for surviving disasters, attacks, and life's toughest situations. Follow ...
Unless sea turtles find a way to counteract rising nest temperatures, climate change could produce an increasing number of ...
Imagine defending not a castle during a game of Castle Panic, but instead the city of New York – the home of your very own ...