Morris, for his part, said he reminds himself “of the incredible safety record of commercial aviation. Statistically speaking ...
A young girl became trapped underneath rubble when a shopping centre collapsed in Peru, killing at least four and injuring ...
Eight green sea turtles were released back into the Atlantic Ocean nearly a month after an arctic blast in northern Florida.
"We really need to jump on this issue of ecological toxicity," he told Science News. "If the [study] authors are right, and ...
The Toronto plane crash and other flight mishaps have flyers on edge as a man with aerophobia reassures flyers about plane ...
From supercharged skincare to targeted treatments, beauty editor Laura Mulley asks the experts to explain what will really ...
A video of an alligator stopping traffic to cross the road with a turtle in its mouth in Palm Beach County, Florida, has gone ...
Sea Turtle Inc. is preparing for its third wave of cold-stunned turtles during this winter season. On Friday, the non-profit ...