A new ruling by the UK Supreme Court confirms that creditors can obtain remedies if transactions entered into at an undervalue have the purpose and effect of prejudicing claims the creditors have ...
A recent judgment by the Court of Appeal in England emphasises that while employers can continue to set and uphold standards of respectful behaviour at work, care is required when employees exercise ...
Kate Dodd tells HRNews why UK businesses would be at risk if they rolled back DEI policies in the way US firms have been required to do by President Trump We're sorry ...
Alex Wright tells HRNews about a misunderstanding which has arisen from a change in emphasis in recent Home Office guidance on right to work checks We're sorry, this ...
Jon Coley tells HRNews about the Court of Appeal’s decision in Morais & Others v Ryanair DAC and its implications for employers We're sorry, this video is not ...
Football clubs in England will be required to be disclose what action they are taking to improve diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) under the proposed UK Football Governance Bill. The obligation ...
Stakeholders in construction projects that rethink the way they address climate change in project contracts will get ahead of a forthcoming new wave of emissions-related claims expected to impact the ...
Recent rulings by the Unified Patent Court (UPC) should prompt the Irish government to establish a referendum on the country’s participation in the UPC system as a matter of urgency, experts have said ...