Israeli authorities continue to deny UN-led efforts to reach North Gaza with lifesaving aid, including the most recent ...
Syrians have high expectations for their country, and a strong desire for people from across the social spectrum to come ...
本期要点:世界气象组织证实2024年是有记录以来最热的一年; 加沙“儿童正在被冻死”;黎巴嫩打破两年僵局选出总统;联合国人权专家对美国众院通过制裁国际刑事法院法案表示震惊;联合国秘书长对西藏定日县地震造成重大伤亡深表悲痛;北极永久冻土融化或释放潜藏致 ...
Сирия сегодня стоит на пороге исторических перемен. Страна, пережившая долгие годы войны и страданий, получила возможность не ...
Em meio a debate sobre moderação de conteúdo nas redes sociais, Guilherme Canela pede que empresas do setor atuem com transparência e façam análise de risco de novas políticas; em entrevista no Podcas ...