The 3R principles are an external page ethical concept formulated in 1959 by British scientists William Russell and Rex Burch. The 3Rs stand for Replacement, Reduction and Refinement. They aim to ...
They apply the so-called 3R principle when planning and carrying out the experiments. '3R' stands for "Reduce, Refine, Replace": the number of animals per experiment is reduced to the absolute minimum ...
BANTING, March 6 — The police do not practise favouritism or double standards in investigating cases related to race, religion and royalty (3R), said Home Minister Datuk Seri Saifuddin Nasution Ismail ...
It’s hard to associate the Schutzstaffel (SS) with cots, swaddles and diapers, and their leader, Heinrich Himmler, is farm more likely to be seen visiting Auschwitz, Dachau, or Mauthausen than a ...
The Moore brothers, along with friend Garret Phillips, will be hosting their second annual bull sale in Winner, South Dakota. The young men have learned what it takes to host a successful bull ...
When she asked what grandpa Ernst did in the Third Reich, Katrin Himmler’s father used to tell her that he was basically an apolitical man who was prodded into joining the Nazi Party by his elder ...