An STTR award requires that 40% of the funding goes to a research institution, 30% goes to the small business applicant and 30% is discretionary. Before receiving an STTR award, a small business must ...
Small Business Innovation Research ("SBIR") and Small Business Technology Transfer ("STTR") are two types of federal award mechanisms that allow start-up and small companies to compete for federal ...
A PI who anticipates participating as a subrecipient in an SBIR or STTR proposal must submit a Notification of Intent to Submit an SBIR/STTR Grant Application with a Small Business Concern (SBC) form ...
The major difference between the SBIR and STTR is that the STTR requires the small business to partner/collaborate with a U.S. non-profit research institution, while the SBIR allows you ...
Investopedia / Crea Taylor Buyers and sellers engaged in economic trade can use FCA shipping terms to describe any transportation point, regardless of the number of transportation modes involved ...