Six months ago, a simple selfie between two Miss Universe contestants provoked a backlash that pushed one to flee her home country ... and Love from Miss Iraq and Miss Israel".
Iraq’s Tourism Ministry is calling on Israel to return an ancient Torah scroll that it says was illegally smuggled out of the country. JERUSALEM (JTA) — Iraq’s Tourism Ministry is calling ...
Diplomatic attempts to prevent Israel from striking in Iraq following daily launches from that country towards Israel have been exhausted, Arab reports say.
Israel and Iraq do not have diplomatic relations. He said he hopes other countries will help. “We are counting on our allies,” the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity because he ...
JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israel’s alleged bombing of Iranian weapons warehouses in Iraq in recent weeks was ... Netanyahu addressed the rumors that his country is behind the airstrikes.
a political adviser to the Prime Minister of Iraq, was interviewed by Sky News' Arabic-language servce on Sunday and said that his country "is expected to be subjected to an Israeli military attack".
Israel is signaling a wider campaign against Houthi militants in Yemen, a mountainous and impoverished country more than 1,000 miles from Israeli territory.