People eligible for a Covid-19 booster or flu vaccine have just three weeks to top-up their protection against serious illness.
Outbreaks of measles occur as we are a worldwide community. We are easily connected by travel, and other countries do not ...
The death of an unvaccinated adult in New Mexico is linked to measles. It's highly contagious — 9 out of 10 unprotected ...
Henry County Public Health gives the COVID vaccine, along with most other vaccines for adults and children, during immunization clinic hours: Tuesdays 9-11 a.m., Wednesdays and Thursdays 1-4 p.m., and ...
While most Americans may already be vaccinated against measles, some may benefit from the extra protection of a booster shot.
Infectious disease experts are urging seniors to get the latest COVID-19 booster shot as uptake plunges five years after the ...
A dividend from immunisation is a future free from the diseases that rob communities of health and well-being, a future free ...
If you've been vaccinated against measles, do you need a booster? What about other routine childhood vaccinations?
People at high risk for infection who got the shots many years ago may want to consider getting a booster if they live in an ...
While most people vaccinated in childhood remain protected for life, some adults may need a booster shot to ensure they’re ...
While the Austin area has confirmed a case of measles, there is not an outbreak. That said, here's a guide to how and when to ...