La serie se basa en el manga del mismo nombre.Promete ser uno de los éxitos de anime del 2025.El horario de estreno por país, los capítulos y todo sobre las aventuras de Taro Sakamoto.
Estamos casi a puntito de cerrar la temporada de invierno de anime, y con el final de marzo vamos a decir adiós a todas las ...
L ast year, Netflix revealed that a major anime adaptation was coming to its catalog. Today, the streamer took to social ...
With both old ongoing anime with large fanbases and new anime hyped with popularity, Naruto still manages to come out on top with viewership.
Liu, a celebrated author of speculative fiction known for books like the Dandelion Dynasty series and his translation work on ...
When Hikaru (Shuichiro Umeda) returns a week after his mysterious disappearance, Yoshiki (Chiaki Kobayashi) can’t help but notice that things aren’t quite right.