Time has come to think about whether the queer movement has relied too much on USAID and other global sources of funding.
Sikkim's tourism sector is set for major expansion with infrastructure developments and new skill-building programmes ...
Nepal’s 2024 news headlines were dominated by political instability, geopolitics and corruption. The limitations of the grand ...
With an average annual income of $315 per capita, Nepal is the second poorest country in Asia after Afghanistan and one of ...
Nine of 10 people needing transplants never find a donor. Updated laws increase the donor pool by allowing transplants from ...
The Trump administration froze a $500 million grant to Nepal, changing the calculus of the China-India-U.S. tug of war over ...
While the recent rallies have drawn international attention, support for a return to the monarchy is neither new nor a ...
The Hindu Kush Himalayas holds the world’s largest ice reserves outside the polar regions and extends 3,500 kilometers over Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, the People’s Republic of China, India, ...
The home range of fishing cats (Prionailurus viverrinus), found in parts of South and Southeast Asia, could be more expansive ...
With its outbound student mobility ratio at 19%, nearly 10 times that of India and China, Nepal is attracting international ...