With an election imminent, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese talks up his first-term achievements while acknowledging voter ...
A new production of ‘Macbeth’ starring David Tennant is an opportunity to consider if it might provide the quintessential ...
Thirty years after Helen Garner’s ‘The First Stone’, debates continue over staff-student relationships and consent on campus ...
The battlegrounds of the history wars have moved from niche media to our national politics, and truth-telling is the biggest ...
The demise of the China Matters think tank raises questions about how governments deal with voices they don’t want to hear ...
An exhibition of the Ethiopian-American painter’s works built upon obscured news media suggests even abstract art must be ...
Remembering lessons in the art of derailing and the power of obfuscation at a Year 10 Model United Nations day ...
Melbourne’s on-again off-again embrace of street art is now tested by the trial of the alleged artist behind ‘Pam the Bird’ “Now,” begins Jonathan Barreiro, the defence barrister leaning close to the ...
The Oscar-nominated postwar story of an autocratic immigrant architect in the US unwittingly mirrors Donald Trump’s edict on public buildings In December 2020, during the final days of his first ...
The Hungarian-English novelist’s latest is another tale of human failure, managing to turn his characters’ inability to feel into something affecting Szalay’s technical achievement is to make all this ...