A new report (PDF) released by Environmental Defense, using industry figures, estimates that tailings ponds created by oil sands projects may be leaking 2,750,000 gallons of contaminated water ...
An oilfield infrastructure company wants to use deep-well injection to sequester billions of barrels of oil sands mine water ...
Many separation processes depend on chemical or thermal principles, such as solvent extraction or distillation, but in some ...
March 8, 1985 The Eagle River had run yellow from the presence of iron manganese, lead, and phosphate, in the water. “That also has county health officials worried, because of potential ...
Imperial employees first reported in May that seepage was escaping from a tailings pond and making its way to the surface. The company confirmed the seepage was tailings wastewater that made its ...
“It's not that it couldn't happen here but it would be very difficult,” Chilean Mines Minister Baldo Prokurica said From the sky, the glistening emerald ponds of northern Chile are almost ...