Ever wonder why sharks have so many differently shaped teeth or why they keep regrowing throughout their lives? Dr. David ...
Researchers in New Zealand found that a small species of shark makes noises with their teeth when touched by humans — and now ...
For the first time, sharks have been recorded making sounds, breaking with the fish's long held reputation as a silent hunter ...
Teeth from sharks and rays can be used to study their diet, but one of the biggest challenges in shark science is collecting ...
A Saint John auction house has opened online bidding on a collection of megalodon shark teeth that are millions of years old.
The spotted estuary smoothhound, or “rig shark”, a modest little shark with mosaic teeth and a fondness for crustaceans, ...
The clicking behaviour has been described in the new study as the first documented case of a shark deliberately making sound ...
Shark teeth from museum jaws can now reveal what sharks ate decades ago. New research shows preservation chemicals don’t ...
Oceanic researchers proved that “Jaws” isn’t the silent killer it’s depicted as after recording shark noises for the first ...
Researchers in New Zealand have made what they believe is the first recording of a shark actively making noise.