Our earliest years are a time of rapid learning, yet we typically cannot recall specific experiences from that period – a ...
Having a better midlife diet associated with better functional connectivity between the hippocampus and both the occipital ...
When a person's hearing and vision are uncompromised and function at a relatively high level, the human brain is able to take ...
Wayne State University researchers are using photoacoustic imaging to observe brain activity and, in the process, discovering ...
Simply looking at nature – or even just digital pictures of it – can relieve pain, according to new research which scanned ...
Having children may enrich a person's life in the long run, providing much-needed cognitive stimulation, physical activity, ...
The study claimed that although many challenges are associated with parenthood such as exhaustion and stress, having children ...
A study of nearly 38,000 adults shows that the number of kids correlates with coordination of brain regions’ activities — regardless of parents’ sex.