A tornado warning will tell you specifically what prompted it to be issued. Many are issued based on radar showing rotation, ...
Even by Plains standards, this was an unusually large, violent tornado outbreak so early in spring. One Kansas tornado was ...
The deadliest tornado in recorded U.S. history struck 100 years ago, touching down in Missouri and tearing up everything in its path through southern Illinois and into Indiana.
Tornadoes can have extreme differences in how fast they move. Past history shows they can track as fast as traffic on an ...
The United States experienced other horrific tornadoes in the last century. More than 200 people perished in 1936 when Tupelo ...
Researches found little evidence that tornadoes were getting weaker. Instead, it appears that a subjective tornado grading system is to blame.
An event on the final day of the week-long commemoration for the 100th anniversary of the Tri-State Tornado will take place ...
A ir Force meteorologist Captain Robert Miller arrived for his forecasting shift at the weather station on Tinker Air Force ...